
Outstanding Faculty and Staff Awards Honoring 2020 Winners!

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Each year, UNIST seeks to recognize outstanding employees who exemplify above and beyond performance excellence through their work and the support they provide to help the university accomplish its mission. It is the hard work and dedication of those faculty and staff members that make UNIST’s success possible.

Thirty-three outstanding faculty and staff members were recognized for their achievements and contributions at the university’s annual Outstanding Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Below are the faculty award winners from the 2020 academic year.

The annual award recognizes outstanding faculty who have made significant contributions in the areas of research, industry-academic cooperation, and education. Candidates for the awards in each category are to be selected for recommendation, and awarded after careful deliberation. This year, a total of twelve faculty members―Research (3), Industry-Academic Cooperation (3), Scholarly Work (3), and Education (3)―were honored for their service to their students and the excellence they exhibit in their respective fields.

학술부문 우수교원포상이 수여됐다. | 사진: 김경채

Professor Bartosz Grzybowski (Department of Chemistry) has been presented with the 2020 Outstanding Faculty Award in the Scholarly Work sector. He has been presented with the Grand Prize for publishing articles in the top journals, including three publications in Nature and one in Science. Professor Sang Kyu Kwak (School of Energy and Chemical Engineeing) and Professor Yoon-Kyoung Cho (Department of Biomedical Engineering) have also been honored at the ceremony.

연구부문 수상자. 왼쪽부터 김용환 교수, 이용훈 총장, 임치현, 선해상 교수 | 사진: 김경채

Professor Yong Hwan Kim (School of Energy and Chemical Engineering) has been presented with the 2020 Outstanding Faculty Award in the Research sector. Professor Kim has been given this award in recognition of research excellence and the outstanding achievements, which includes being selected for the ERC (Engineering Research Center) project and obtain the order for the Fine Plastic Response Center. Also being honored at the ceremony are Professor Chiehyeon Lim (Department of Industrial Engineering) and Professor Hae-Sang Sun (Department of Mathematical Scences).

교육부문 수상자. 왼쪽부터 김주하 교수, 이용훈 총장, 김철민 교수 | 사진: 김경채

Professor Jooha Kim (Department of Mechanical Engineering) has been presented with the 2020 Outstanding Faculty Award in the Education sector. He has been presented with the Grand Prize in recognition of his contributions to the launching of UNIST CO-OP program, as well as his outstanding performance from the Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Research Project (UIRP). Professor Kwang In Kim (AI Graduate School) and Professor Cheol-Min Ghim (Department of Physics) have also been honored at the ceremony for contribution to the design and development of AI-related programs and courses.

산학협력 부문 수상자. 왼쪽부터 박종화 교수, 이용훈 총장, 정경민 교수, 고성안 교수 | 사진: 김경채

The esteemed faculty for excellence in the Industry-Academic Cooperation sector include Professor Jong Bhak (Department of Biomedical Engineering). He has been presented with the Grand Prize at the ceremony for having Clinomics Inc. listed on the KOSDAQ market for the first time as a UNIST-based startup. Professor Kyeong-Min Jeong (School of Energy and Chemical Engineering) and Professor Sungahn Ko (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) have also been honored at the ceremony.

This year’s Outstanding Staff Awards have been given to twenty-one individuals (10 Grand prizes and Excellence awards) 11 nine teams. The Outstanding Staff Award was created to identify and reward staff for outstanding contributions to the university and to provide staff with an opportunity to recognize and learn from outstanding co-workers. Below are the staff award winners from the 2020 academic year.

올해의 직원상 개인부문 최우수상 수상자. | 사진: 김경채

The following recipients were honored with the Grand Prize at the ceremony: Jae Seng Jo (Student Residence Team), SangHyun Lee (Student Affairs Team), Jun Yuib Choi (International Center), Chang Ju Oh (Administration Office of AI Graduate School), Sung Min Kim (Buget Policy Team), Jung Woo Kim (Lab Safety Management Team), Ilhan Yoo (Research Supporting Team), Doyeon Kim (Library Team), MinJae Kim (Part Leader, Administration Office of UCRF), and Jina Yoon (College of Engineering, Academic Planning Team).

올해의 직원상

The above exemplary staff members were also recognized for their excellent services to UNIST. These recipients were honored with the Excellence Award at the ceremony, which includes Jong Min Woo (General Affairs Team), JoonHyung Kim (Student Affairs Team), Dajeong Kim (Administration Office of AI Graduate School), Jiyoon Kim (Educational AffaiTeam), Eunyoung Kim (Procurement Team), Minwoo Kang (Human Resources Management Team), YoungWong Lee (Information Technology Team), Sung Ahn (Information Strategy Team), Seokhun Shin (Super Computing Center), and Heejeong Ryu (Academic Affairs Team/College of Information-Bio Convergence Engineering).

우수 부서 부문 수상팀

The above teams have been recognized for their outstanding performance towards the pursuit of institutional excellence. Both Student Residence Team and Educational Affairs Team have been honored with the Grand Prize. The following teams were also honored with the Excellence Award at the ceremony: General Affairs Team, Finance Team, International Center, Academic Affairs Team, Safety Team, Tech Business Incubation Center, and the Administration Office of Biomedical Engineering.

우수 업무편람 수상팀

In addition to this, the above teams have been honored with the Grand Prize for providing excellent work manuals: Audit Office, Procurement Team, Research Management Team, Human Resources Team, and Educational Affairs Team. The following teams were also honored with the Excellence Award at the ceremony: Academic Affairs Team, Administration Office of Mechanical Engneering, Acadmic Planning Team/College of Information-Bio Convergence Engineering, and Student Affairs Team.