for Soft and living Matter
Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering (2020)
What is your current job?
I am currently working as a senior researcher at Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Center for Soft and Living Matter (CSLM). Now I am exploring physical mechanism of collective behaviors of living system, as a primary research interest.
What makes you good at your job?
During my Ph.D., I learned how to think in terms of originality, creativity, integrity, excellence of research works. It was great opportunity to develop idea and broaden up my expertise and lead to collaboration works with people. And I can’t emphasize more how every presentation of group meeting and seminar improved me a lot. Though It was not easy at the beginning, now I feel all previous chances brought me into the improved stage.
Why did you choose UNIST BME/HFE?
During my undergraduate internship at Germany, I came to know about microfluidic systems for biological application. Although I got trained as biologist, I believed that more meaningful discoveries can be emerged at the interface of other disciplines such as engineering, physics, chemistry. I found that the research environment of UNIST sounds compelling to me for doing interdisciplinary research. Then, I applied in BME graduate school and I met my Ph.D. advisor, Prof. Yoon-Kyoung Cho, who is outstanding researcher in Lab-on-a-chip field for diagnostic application. As soon as I finished the interview with her, I wished to join her group, FRUITS lab.
What do you like most about UNIST BME/HFE and why?
The course that I experienced during my Ph.D. training provide flexible design, which can help you to crystalize vision that you want to pursue. Not only for that, you can meet great professors leading expertise at their professional disciplines, encouraging student to think deeply and speak out their opinion so that students can gain the confidence and develop constructive thinking and bring innovative ideas in class/research group.
What have you enjoyed the most during your stay at UNIST BME/HFE?
I remember we had group outreach few times at cherry-blossom season. It became good memories whenever I saw the cherry blossom along the streets. Also I enjoyed the BME seminar where I could learn about different research topics.
What was the most important things that you learned at UNIST BME/HFE that make you a success in your career?
I have no doubts that the environments of UNIST BME is one of greatest in Korea in terms of learning state-of-art technology, broadening up your knowledge, strengthening power of expertise. During my Ph.D. training, I increased my English proficiency a lot thanks to all education course, seminars and group meetings were performed in English. This will bring great confidence when you successfully finish your academic training at UNIST BME, which significantly help you to stand on global stage.
What is your ultimate career goal?
Becoming a person who can keep asking question regardless of age.