Massachusetts general hospital and Harvard medical school
Ph.D. Biomedical engineering, 2015
What is your current job?
I’m working as a research fellow to lead the project for developing the advanced cancer diagnosis device. I am responsible to carry out the entire project including the study design, biomarker profiling and testing with clinical samples.
What makes you good at your job?
Environment encouraging to develop a new and creative idea, Working with smart and passionate people, Reminding myself to perform a good and beneficial work for public and individual lives.
Why did you choose UNIST BME/HFE?
I was fascinated by the Department of Biomedical Engineering which leads the field related to the advanced biomedical research and decided to continue my Ph.D. in UNIST BME.
What do you like most about UNIST BME/HFE and why?
I liked the atmosphere of UNIST which pursues the interdisciplinary project and encourages new attempts, and I have dreamed of becoming a pioneer in a new field.
What have you enjoyed the most during your stay at UNIST BME/HFE?
When I was an undergraduate, I got an opportunity to do research internships at UNC Chapel Hill in the US, and I really enjoyed the experience of receiving training while doing experimental design and conducting research with researchers in abroad helped me to grow as a researcher.
What was the most important things that you learned at UNIST BME/HFE that make you a success in your career?
Being a person who is an active, honest to myself, and open-minded to communicate with others especially international students.
What is your ultimate career goal?
Become a pioneer/leader in the medical device development and healthcare field.