Soft bioelectronic edvices for man-machine interfacing applications | November 23 (Tue), 2021, 4:00 PM | Speaker: Sohee Kim (DIGIST) | ZOOM (online) ID: 871 3316 9341 더 보기 »
Quantitative phase imaging and Artifical Intelligence | November 16 (Tue), 2021, 4:00 PM | Speaker: Yongkeun Park (KAIST) | ZOOM (online) ID: 871 3316 9341 더 보기 »
Data science in neurosicence: developmental biobank | November 9 (Tue), 2021, 4:00 PM | Speaker: Jiook Cha (Seoul National University) | ZOOM (online) ID: 871 3316 9341 더 보기 »
Understanding neuromuscular mechanisms of muscle weakness after stroke: Why are stroke-impaired muscles weak? | November 2 (Tue), 2021, 4:00 PM | Speaker: Jongsang Son (Northwestern Univ.) | ZOOM (online) ID: 871 3316 9341 더 보기 »
Development of Molecular Diagnostics Platform & Its Clinical Applications | October 26 (Tue), 2021, 4:00 PM | Speaker: Yong Shin (Yonsei University) | ZOOM (online) ID: 871 3316 9341 더 보기 »
Exploring cellular ecosystems to understand the gut-immunity-disease axis | October 12 (Tue), 2021, 4:00 PM | Speaker: Insuk Lee (Yonsei University) | ZOOM (online) ID: 871 3316 9341 더 보기 »