
BME Seminar (2022.08.25(Thurs) 16:00~17:00)

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We would like to invite you to a BME Seminar to be held on Thursday, 25 August, 2022.

Professors Thierry Gacoin and Jongwook Kim from Ecole Polytechnique will give the following seminar at UNIST in person (please find the attached abstract for further info).

Interested faculty members and students are encouraged to participate.


1. Date and Time: August 25(Thurs) 2022, (16:00 ~ 17:00)

2. Venue: Engineering Bldg 4, N-104

3. Speaker: Prof. Thierry Gacoin & Prof. Jongwook Kim (Ecole Polytechnique)

4. Host: Prof. Jung-Hoon Park (jh.park@unist.ac.kr)